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- Elbaite, smoky quartz, albite, lepidolite
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Elbaite, smoky quartz, albite, lepidolite
South America
Gorgeous specimen of gem elbaite decorated by smoky quartz on a base of white albite.Gorgeous specimen of gem elbaite decorated by smoky quartz on a base of white albite. The elongated elbaite crystals are gem and transparent with very pastel and pleasant green color to some light blue areas and some red cores. They are strongly lustrous. The quartz has light color and perfectly terminated crystal (9.5 cm). That entire combo has unique style and display with strong contrast. In very good condition – some small damages (back side of quartz crystal is break off).
Barra de Salinas, Coronel Murta, Jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais
13,3x11,1x7,7 cm