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- arsenopyrite, quartz, siderite, zinnwaldite, chalcopyrite
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arsenopyrite, quartz, siderite, zinnwaldite, chalcopyrite
A Panasqueira combination specimen of a 10.0 cm, water-clear quartz crystal majestically rising above a matrix of brilliant, sharp arsenopyrite crystals.A Panasqueira combination specimen of a 10.0 cm, water-clear, very glassy quartz crystal majestically rising above a matrix of brilliant, sharp, silver-metallic arsenopyrite crystals and smaller siderite, zinnwaldite and chalcopyrite crystals. The termination of the quartz crystal is chipped.
Panasqueira, Covilhã, Castelo Branco District
12,8x8,2x6,6 cm